Our certified dog sitters will stay at your home during the length that you need. They will not leave, this is a constant stay. Walks, feeding, playtime, photos and updates are included.
Mon - Fri. $10 surcharge on weekends.
Mon - Fri. $10 surcharge on weekends.
Mon - Fri. $10 surcharge on weekends.
Mon - Fri. $10 surcharge on weekends.
8pm - 8am and includes two 30mins walks. Pet sitting in Chicago is a great option for dogs who do best in the comfort of their own home. One of our highly trained team members (dog sitter) stays overnight at your home for 12hrs. During that time we walk (or let out int he yard), feed, give medications, bring in mail, take out garbage, and more. *If needing additional visits throughout the day please visit our dog walking service page.*
Mon - Thurs
Fri, Sat, and Sun
8pm - 8am and includes two 30 mins walks as well as two 30 mins midday walks with the same sitter. Pet sitting in Chicago is a great option for dogs who do best in the comfort of their own home. One of our highly trained team members (dog sitter) stays overnight at your home for 12 hrs. During that time we walk (or let out in the yard), feed, give medications, bring in mail, take out garbage, and more. *If needing additional visits throughout the day please visit our dog walking service page.*
Mon - Thurs
Fri, Sat, & Sun
Paws For Walks Chicago
Lakeshore East, Chicago, Illinois, United States
Copyright © 2025 Paws For Walks Chicago - All Rights Reserved.